Champions for STEM Education Continuum & STEM Workforce Development
Champions for promoting STEM Engagement & Broadening STEM Participation
Champions for STEM Engagement
2021-2022 challenge
“What can you do to make your community more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable by 2030?”
First Place - $2000 H2Oboken, Hoboken High School
Second Place - $1500 Earthlings Dwight-Englewood High School
Third Place - $1000 P-Tech Zebras New Brunswick P-Tech High School

“#NJSTEMTogether Communities Challenge” is an annual statewide challenge for New Jersey high school students to come together and design a solution for a problem in their community. This is not only an effort to bring technological approach and systems thinking to solve a social problem, but to also provide opportunities for students in terms of mentoring, internships and fellowship opportunities.
check out our last year’s report!
want to learn more about this?
we are Presenting at the
STEM Learning ECOsystems Community of practice - June 21, 2022
summer Institute for educators, chamber of commerce southern new jersey- july 15, 2022
NSF INcludes national convening -
Community-Based & Out-of-School Opportunities for Broadening Participation in STEM, August 2021
We're all about STEM in South Jersey
The South Jersey STEM & Innovation Partnership (SJSIP) is a community of collaborative partners improving STEM education and career pathways across southern New Jersey. Our growing community includes collaborators representing industry, post-secondary education, K-12 schools, philanthropy, small businesses and STEM-rich organizations engaged under a common vision for STEM.
Learn More →
NJ STEM Month is a celebration co-hosted by the New Jersey STEM Pathways Network and Research & Development Council of New Jersey that highlights the Garden State’s incredible accomplishments in science, technology, engineering, math and innovation.
With the support of Governor Murphy’s administration and Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker’s office, NJ STEM Week expanded to include the entire month of March in 2018. March is now New Jersey STEM Month as designated by the New Jersey State Legislature and gubernatorial proclamation.
ALL organizations in the state are called to showcase and celebrate excellent work in STEM for NJ STEM Month by hosting/attending events and engaging on social media.
checkout our stem month events
Atlantic City STEM Asset Survey
The City of Atlantic City (AC) in conjunction with the Atlantic City Initiatives Project Office, a unit within the Division of Local Government Services under the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (NJDCA), NJDCA's Local Planning Services Office, and the South Jersey STEM Innovation & Partnership would like your assistance with creating a science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) asset map for the Greater Atlantic City Area, which includes Atlantic City and other municipalities within Atlantic County. This map will be a valuable resource to help you find STEM facilities ( e.g. aquariums, museums, science centers, institutions of higher education, etc.), in-school and out-of-school curriculums and programs, and/or industry partner/employer programs (e.g. internships, co-ops, scholarships, fellowships, career workshops) locally working to ensure that our youth are prepared for 21st century careers through STEM.
Who should take the survey?
Industry – to understand the workforce skills being developed
Educators – to align, support and enhance curriculums and find facilities for programs
Parents – to find resources and programs for their children
Community – to access programs for adults for up-skilling, re-skilling changing career paths
OUR Vision
The South Jersey STEM & Innovation Partnership is a diverse community of individuals, institutions and industry. We collaborate to ensure an inclusive STEM culture that champions access to innovation, opportunity, equity, and lifelong learning. We are making South Jersey the “Go-To” place for STEM Talent.
OUR Mission
SJSIP grows and aligns assets and efforts to develop, implement, and replicate and evidence-based interdisciplinary innovations that will better prepare all learners within the region for the 21st Century’s rapidly evolving STEM economy.
Meet the Workforce Demand of the 21st Century and beyond.
Broaden participation in STEM Learning to spark interest and build STEM identities.
Promote a STEM Education Continuum for PreK-16.
THE Need…
New Jersey is ranked #12 in the nation for the number of current STEM or STEM-related jobs, and by the year 2018, more than 269,000 STEM jobs will need to be filled.
Of the more than 6 million New Jersey high school students, only 1.6 million are interested in pursuing a STEM career.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that, during the period 2010 - 2020, employment in Science and Engineering occupations will grow by 18.7%, compared to 14.3% for all occupations.